Saturday, January 16, 2010

What A Difference A Week Makes

This time last week, we had high temps in the low teens. As I type this the temp at the airport is 52 degrees. I can't even begin to say what a difference a week makes. Last Saturday when I drove in town to church, there was snow and ice on the ground and the high last Saturday was I think 18. This morning when I drove to church for a meeting, the temperature was in the low 40's and by the time I made my way back home it was well into the 50's.

Just last week when I came home from a meeting at church and saw everybody with their parkas on, I have to say that this afternoon while I was running errands I saw a lot of shorts being worn. Now, far be it from me to tell people what to wear, but in January you just don't need to wear shorts when you go out in public. Just saying.

But don't get all excited, thinking winter is over my Louisville friends. This is just a big tease. Even though next week is supposed to be a nice week with temps in the 40's, the winter isn't done with us yet. I'm pretty sure we'll get lots more snow and cold this winter. I've got my cool new winter coat and my cool new snow boots so all I can say is bring it on.

1 comment:

Toots said...

We're not even a full month in to winter yet; it's far from over. I don't mind at all! Too warm to build a fire in the fireplace!