Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Streak Continutes!!!

In case you didn't know, today is my birthday, and that piece of information is an integral part of a streak. For you see every birthday for the past 47 years it has snowed or there was snow on the ground, including the actual birth day. We had a dusting of snow yesterday morning that caused more havoc than when we had the four-inch snow a few weeks ago, and today there was still snow on the ground so that counts for the streak.

On a quasi-related note, this has been one the most awesome birthdays I've ever had. Mom just walked to the mailbox and brought back some cards that came from my friends in my Sunday School class and the notes that they wrote on the cards actually made me weepy. I am truly blessed, and I thank the Lord that He has helped me make it to 47 years. And I thank Him even more for the people that He has placed in my life. I don't want to exclude anyone, so I will just leave it at that.

Thanks to everyone of you for your part in my 47 years. You rock.

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