Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Love Stinks

Iowa Man Spells Out Wife's Birthday Message in Manure

ZWINGLE, Iowa - Ask this Iowa wife is she got the perfect birthday present and she'll tell you her hubby "dung good."

Carole and Dick Kleis live together on their eastern Iowa farm. This year for her birthday, Dick used more than 120,000 pounds of manure to spell out a special message. It basically says 'Happy Birthday, Love You,' but in shorthand.

And it only took three hours to spell it all out in a stinky, but mushy way.

"It's not hard," said Kleis. "Any manure will work but the good, soft, gushy, warm stuff works the best. It kind of melts the snow."

Carole say Dick's birthday is in May and she's already thinking of ways to beat out his gift.

I'm not sure what Carole can come up with to beat Dick's birthday message, but I'm pretty sure she's going to try.

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