Monday, January 18, 2010

I Think The Scientists Have It All Wrong

According to British scientists, they've determined that today, January 18, is the most depressing day of the year. The scientific formula for this bleak prediction takes into account factors like post-holiday blahs and debt, failed New Year’s resolutions and, this year, the nasty chill that has reached much further south than usual. Now, I'm not one to doubt scientific proof, but if you ask me, I can think of a few other days in January that are more depressing than the 18th.

January 2, 3 or 4 is pretty depressing because one of those three days is the day when we go back to work after our New Year's holiday and realize that we have no more paid holidays off until Memorial Day. As if that's not bad enough, it's usually on one of these days when we realize that we need to take down all of the Christmas decorations and get the house back to "normal."

January 15 was pretty depressing for people at my company. It was the day we received our annual profit sharing bonus and saw how much was taken out in taxes. And I'm pretty sure some people are still realizing that they need to take down all of their Christmas decorations and get their house back to "normal."

Any day in January prior to the 31st when we receive our W2's is pretty depressing as we look at the amount printed in the Gross Annual Wages box and wonder where in the hell did it go.

Once you think about these days, the 18th doesn't seem so bad after all.

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