Sunday, January 31, 2010

Link Of The Week

There's no shame in admitting that I frequently use my cell phone as a [dim] flashlight. If the 'Rents are already in bed and the lights are off in the house when I come in, I'll open my phone and use the light from the inside screen as a makeshift flashlight as I make my way to my room. Chances are you've done this, too. And if you think about it, you've probably used other normal everyday objects for reasons other than their intended use. This week I found a website that talks about such things. It's the Museum of Unintended Use. On the website today, they show a picture of different ways that people use a child's shirt and other pieces of clothing. I'm proud to say that for as long as I can remember, we've always had a little boy's shirt sewn into a clothespin holder. Visit it at and see what items you can find.

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