Friday, January 5, 2007

Happy New Year?

It's only the 5th, but it has sure been a long month so far at work.  And we only worked 3 days this week, too.  The first work day of the month is always busier for our department, because we have to do the month-end close in addition to our regular daily work.  On top of that, we were as busy this week as we generally are in the spring; something very unusual for January.  But with the warm temperatures this winter, people are buying and behaving like they do in the spring, so that made for a very busy week.  It was also a very somber and somewhat scary week at work this week - this week, we saw two of our co-workers get fired.  One happened the first of the week and the other happened just this afternoon.   I'm not sure, but I think that's a record for our company - two office people getting fired in one week. 

There was already a different mood in the air this week after the first co-worker got the ax. Once the word traveled through the ZCO grapevine on Wednesday, people were pretty quiet and were being the model employees after the fear was put into them from the firing.  Then the second firing happened just a few minutes before quitting time today.  Suffice to say,  I'm pretty sure there will be a huge spike in productivity on Monday.  And I think it will last a pretty good while, too. 

The two people that got fired were really nice people.  They would have done anything for you that you asked them.  But based on the information I received, they had made a lot of mistakes, and unfortunately didn't learn from them.  This week's firings was our "come to Jesus" time, and it taught us that nobody is really bullet proof from being fired - no matter who you are or how nice a person you are.

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