Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Are My Shoes Too Distracting?

Tonight was our monthly visit to the nursing home, and the kids across the street went with me again.  Mom was bummed because she didn't get to go because she was still fighting the stomach bug, but our two neighbor kids and their mom went along again.  As soon as they get home from visiting the nursing home, the kids write next month's visit on their calendar - they enjoy it that much.  Tonight, they came into the house to say hi to the 'rents before we left, and we noticed the girls had on some of their Christmas outfits.  The oldest girl, almost 10, had on very cool jeans and a pair of Uggs.  In case you don't know what they are, Uggs are furry winter boots.  We all three told her how cool her boots were, and she said "I can only wear them at night or on the weekends.  I can't wear them to school because they said they're too 'distracting.'" Let me just say this post could have easily been titled "File Under: WTF?".  Too distracting?  A pair of boots?  I could see if the child had gotten a drum or a horn for Christmas and brought it to school, but for a school to say kids can't wear boots because they're too distracting is beyond me. 

Granted, she and her little sister go to a Traditional school, where they are more strict and where they wear uniforms - navy or khaki pants or skirts for the girls, and white, navy or dark green shirts.  She said the only shoes they can wear are tennis shoes, and they have to be fairly plain.  The cool tennis shoes that light up when you take a step aren't allowed. Now I could see where light-up tennis shoes would be distracting, but furry snow boots aren't allowed?  I'm sure glad we haven't had any snow this winter for those kids' sake. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You say this girl's almost 10.....mercy Uggs? that kind of money for boots she's going to outgrow in a couple months?
Wonder if they want to throw some $$ my