Monday, July 4, 2016

Mother Nature's Fireworks

TWIT would like to wish everyone a very happy Fourth of July.  If you are anywhere near this part of the country, you're probably getting soaked right now.  It rained yesterday, stormed last night, and has been raining all morning, and rain is expected until tomorrow morning.  We had quite a bit of lightning last night and just saw some a few minutes ago, along with some loud thunder.  So Mother Nature is providing some unneeded fireworks for the holiday. 

They even cancelled the big Independence Day Festival downtown on the riverfront last night and evacuated the area before the storms hit.  And the big Thunder Over The Compound fireworks show has been postponed until later this week when we dry out. 

This weather is making me drowsy, so I think I might go lay down on the couch and watch some TV until I drift off into a nap. 

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