Thursday, July 7, 2016

I Feel Like Scarlet

Tonight, I totally feel like Scarlet O'Hara from "Gone With The Wind" when she came back to her beloved home, Tara, after the Yankees had looted it.  Friends and family were coming at me from all directions, asking her opinion on "what do we do?"

I was trying to help with supper, and my phone was blowing up.  I stopped what I was doing and answered it, and it was a friend asking for friggin directions to somewhere.  I told them "Like you couldn't have Google Map'd that like just did?"  And then as soon as I hung up from getting them squared away, a neighbor was knocking on the door asking me about a neighborhood problem.  I told them that I didn't have the answer, and for them to figure it out. 

I'm gun shy now from answering my phone or the door. 

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