Saturday, July 9, 2016

Security Tip Saturday

A friend of mine is getting ready to go on a two week trip, and part of his pre-trip preparation was putting together a list of important "just in case" phone numbers and other info for his wife while he is away. His wife and I talked about this, and we decided that this is something that everyone should have - not just for people left at home while a family member is away or for kids at home during the summer, but for everyone. We all don't think too clearly when an emergency or crisis occurs, and having a list like this would make things a lot easier. In addition to having these phone numbers stored on your cell phone, you should have a copy or two of them on paper to keep at your home and office.  Here's a list of numbers and other info that we all should have, just in case: 

Local fire department (for non-emergency)
Local police department (for non-emergency)
Water company
Power company
Sewer system provider
Poison control
All doctors used by all family members
Cable/Satellite provider
Internet provider
Tow truck company or road service company
Animal hospital
Local animal control
Church leaders (pastors, deacons)
Neighbors that you actually know
Lawn service provider

Pest control service
Financial planners/advisors
Auto repair shop/mechanic
Roofing company
Banks used by the entire family (with account numbers)
Security sytem provider
Home appliance repair service (for stove, dishwasher, washer, dryer, refrigerator, freezer)
Heating/cooling service
Logins and passwords for banks, credit cards, etc

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