Friday, July 29, 2016

Flashback Friday

Today, I am flashing back to the 80's -- the days before we had our central a/c.  The a/c here at The Compound crapped out last night.  And with our maintenance agreement with the HVAC company that installed the unit way back in 1990, they can't get out here under free labor until Monday morning.  So till then, we are going to sweat it out. 

Back in the day, we slept great at night thanks to our big attic fan, and we didn't know any differently than we do today.  Sure, the attic fan will be a lot louder than the central a/c unit, but it will move some air and will hopefully help us sleep comfortably the next few nights.  We would open our bedroom windows at night, and then stick a shoe or something in the doorway to keep it open a couple of inches, and the attic fan would pull in a lot of air. 

I'm just thankful that this didn't happen in the last two weeks when the temps were in the mid- to upper-90's.  

It will be inconvenient, but we're tough and we'll make it. 

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