Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy New Year's Resolution

New Year's Eve is just a couple of days away, and for a week now we've all been hearing about New Year's resolutions.  I did some quick research and found some awesome synonyms for "resolution" -- dedication, purposefulness, perseverance, and my favorite, immovability.

I've never been one to make official resolutions at the beginning of the New Year; I kinda make them all year long in the form of goals.  But this year, I am going to make an actual New Year's resolution: in the new year, I am going to be dedicated in calling and visiting old friends that I haven't seen in a long time.  I already started, by persevering and visiting a dear old friend from work tonight.  It felt great, and tomorrow I'm going to call another old friend and set up a time to get together.  So, Essie, if by chance you're reading TWIT, I'll be calling you in a day or two. 

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