Friday, December 30, 2011

Flashback Friday

I had to work today (yes, on a company holiday) for year-end inventory, and on my way to work very early this a.m. I wanted to stop and mail my Netflix DVDs back so I could get more coming from my queue.  That having been said, we don't really trust leaving mail in our mailbox out on the street across from the house because thugs come and steal the mail, so I either take our mail to work or stop at the post office up the street and mail it.  Well, this morning I was running a few minutes late for my early a.m. arrival at work, and as I was driving it dawned on me that there are no longer any mailboxes on the street corners like there used to be. It only makes sense; they want to get rid of the Saturday mail delivery, so they want to get rid of the corner mailbox, too.

Back in the day, you couldn't walk down a street without passing by an official USPS blue metal mailbox.  Now you can hardly find them in the entire city.  I thought and thought and the only blue metal mailboxes I could recall were ones at the post offices.   

If any of you, faithful readers, know of an old school blue metal mailbox in your area, please let me know. 

1 comment:

Toots said...

There's one right next to Cardinal Mkt. Also a string of them on Main Street near my office. They are practically underneath I-65. Those are the ones I use near home and work.