Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve. I'm sure kids everywhere are so excited they will soon be getting on their parents' nerves, if they haven't already. As a kid, it seemed like Christmas Eve was the longest day of the year, as my parents probably did, too.  But I digress.  Not only is this Christmas Eve, it's also a day of rest for me. I've vowed to not leave the house today until we go to church later on this evening.  And it is a vow I'm going to keep.

For the past two weeks I've been running and running and had a couple hours worth of errands and things to do just about every night of the week.  I glanced back over the past two weeks in my planner book, and realized that I've only had supper with my family two or three times in that two-week period.  Yesterday after more and more running, I was stopped in traffic and realized how tired I was of all of the running.  I'm not complaining about the running; the majority of it was to help out a very needy and special family at church.  But I'm just stating the facts that I'm tired.  So today I'm staying inside and not getting in a vehicle until it's time to go to church.  And I hope to repeat that pattern again tomorrow. 

I'd love to write more but I'm going to go to the couch and watch the Food Network for a couple of hours.

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