Friday, December 10, 2010

Flashback Friday

During lunch yesterday, my friend, coworker and faithful reader SH and I were reminiscing about our high school typing classes, and how we used the hell out of the typewriter eraser pencils with the brush at the other end. We both agreed that kids today in school would not have a clue what we were talking about. For starters, they wouldn't know what a typewriter was.
During lunch we talked about how when we made a dreaded mistake on a typing assignment, the world might as well have come to and end, because it was a major accomplishment to erase the mistake without tearing a hole in the paper.
Thank goodness today we do most of our "typing" in Word and can delete and do-over with no repercussions at all. The kids today will never know the horror of using the typewriter eraser pencil and praying that you didn't make a hole in your paper.

1 comment:

Toots said...

Hole in paper=automatic zero.