Saturday, December 4, 2010

Another Disappointment

The weatherazzi had everyone all worked up yesterday about our first snow of the season. They were calling for one to three inches. Given how much I love snow, I was giddy with excitement. The city trucks were out in full force on Thursday brining all of the roads, too. So they were expecting something. They said the snow would start at about midnight last night, and for once they were dead on; it started snowing just as we were leaving the concert last night. It was a pretty ride home, seeing it snow in the night. By the time we pulled into The Compound, the ground was about half covered. I went to bed in anticipation of our first accumulating show of the season. Boy was I disappointed when I woke up. I didn't even wait to put in my contacts or put on my new glasses; I hopped out of bed and peeked through the mini-blinds. Even half blind I could still see some grass and leaves poking through the snow. I'd say we didn't even get half an inch. Oh well. There's always next week.

1 comment:

Toots said...

You should have listened to my guy. He said we'd be lucky get a dusting! LOL.