Monday, December 31, 2007

Farewell, 2007

It's hard to believe that tomorrow we begin a new year.  It seems like just yesterday we were reminiscing on everything that happened in 2006.   As I sit here and think back on 2007, I've tried to come up with one event singular even that had an impact on me this year.  Without a doubt, it has to be the April 16 massacre at Virginia Tech. 

I've never mentioned it much in TWIT, but I am a strong advocate in our right to bear arms.  I just wonder if the college kids on the VA Tech campus had been allowed to carry concealed weapons, how differently April 16 might have been.  Students who were carrying their weapons might have had a chance to fight back, and 32 other students might not have been killed.  But as it was, weapons were not allowed on the campus. 

This was probably the most tragic incident in our country in 2007 - and personally, one that should have had the most impact on us.  But I'm afraid a lot of people will forget about that and instead focus on the Michael Vick dog fighting drama.  It's sad how many people forgot about the 33 lives lost that day at the VA Tech campus, when they are thinking about the cute puppies shown all over the TV that are involved in Michael Vick's dog fighting drama. We see those helpess dogs, and have forgotten the faces of the 32 innocent young adults that were killed that day.





Anonymous said...

I threw my hands up and shouted "Thank Heaven someone is finally fighting back" when the guard/member of the New Life Church pulled her weapon on the gunman who began slaying churchgoers in the parking lot, ending the killing spree before dozens were killed in December.

We are not safe at school, at the mall, basically anywhere.  Hell yes, Americans need to bear arms and fight back.  It's time to stop cowering in the corner of our classrooms or the Von Maur dressing room waiting for these pimple faced, long coat wearing suicidal PATs to pick us off like ducks in the shooting gallery.  Today when I took my two young children to the mall for New Year's shopping you're damn right I had my CDW license in my purse and my Keltec tight inside my ankle holster.

Thanks for having the guts to talk about this Puddin'.

Anonymous said...

And all the people said AMEN!!

Anonymous said...

The deadly mall shooting a few weeks ago was the second one in the past few months.  I just keep thinking how unfortunate it was that no one at either mall or at Virginia Tech were carrying their own concealed weapons and could have possibly ended these shootings before so many innocent people had to die.  It's very clear the bullies all carry weapons, when are the good people going to buy legal guns, learn to handle and fire them, and start carrying them too?  Sorry, but it's the age we live in.  It's time to defend yourself against these terrorists America.