Tuesday, February 1, 2005

File Under: WTF?

I always watch "Good Morning, America" while I'm getting ready for work; there's just something about Diane Sawyer that makes me trust her.  Sure, she's a hometown girl from here in Louisville, and that's a valid reason that we all should like her, but her demeanor and the way she carries herself makes me really trust her. If I develop some uncurable, fatal disease, Diane Sawyer is the one I want telling me I have 2 days to live.  This morning on GMA, she made a comment that made me like her even more than I already do: after Cynthia McFadden gave her report on the Michael Jackson trial jury selection, Diane said to Charlie Gibson "What is up with those armbands?" I would have given her high-five if I'd been there with her in the ABC studios.

Just about every picture I've seen of Michael Jackson going to or from the courtroom or jail shows him wearing a big wide armband, the size of the ones that MPs wear.  Even the artists' drawings from inside the courtroom show the armbands. There's never any symbols or letters or numbers on his armbands; they're just plain, colored armbands.  Yesterday, he had on a dark yellow armband with his white suit.  I've seen him wearing white, black, and red armbands, too. 

The only thing I can think of is maybe this is his version of the current trend of wearing the different colored rubber wristbands - like the yellow LiveStrong bands, or the pink ones for breast cancer, or the red ones for AIDS awareness.  Maybe his armbands mean "I had an album that sold more copies than any album in the history of recorded music and now look at me."


Anonymous said...

Doesn't that white suit and armband just scream "I'm innocent and so persecuted"??

Anonymous said...

The white suit is obviously overkill but the armbands must symbolize some sort of attempt to project oppression or a display of unfair accusations.  I see similar representation by west Louisville spokespersons such as Christopher 2X.  I suppose the more one stands out in his attire, the more that people will perceive an injustice.  I don't know.  I do have a feeling though that the whole Michael Jackson trial will drag out with major obstacles thereby nullifying the event with a mistrial and then start over years from now in a rewind-repeat fashion.  I think Michael lives in a different world and perhaps in his mind doesn't realize the serious implications of his actions no matter how innocent he would like to believe.  I really have to wonder though about parents that would let their kids stay with him on unattended overnight visits.  There is a two fold lesson to be learned through the years of watching Michael Jackson... 1) stop sleeping with the young boys, and 2) parents, stop sending your children to Neverland for overnight visits considering the past publicity.

Anonymous said...

I've had a burning question for Christopher 2X -- I want to know what his bowtie symbolizes.