Saturday, April 30, 2011

Flood Update, Day 6

I'm very, very happy to report that we've had a solid 24 hours with no rain.  It's mostly sunny, and a bit windy, so hopefully the wind and sun will help dry us out.  I just thank the Lord and MSD that The Compound was safe during this past week and a half's storms. 

I can't explain why this flooding situation had me so nerved up - the other times when the Ohio River was way higher than it was this week didn't bother me, but for some reason this week's continuous storms and rain had me all nerved up.  So today, I'm working off some of the leftover nervous energy by starting the Annual Spring Cleaning at The Compound.  I've already found a couple pairs of shoes I'd thought were gone forever.  I've put in a couple of hours today, and I'm going to take it easy the rest of the day and enjoy some rest and relaxation, but I'll put in another hour or so tomorrow and hit it heavier next week.  The Cousin From Alabama will be here in two weeks for his annual spring visit, and just two weeks after he leaves, his sister, The Cousin From California will be arriving for a visit.  Yep, we'll have them coming and going here at The Compound. So we've got to get things all spruced up for our visitors

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