Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring, Spring, Go Away

I'm not ashamed to wish that Spring would go away for a while.  For the past few weeks, my allergies have been kicking my ass, and add to that tonight's forecast for the severe storm of the century, and you've got one girl ready for spring to be over.

Every morning I wake up congested, and no matter that OTC meds I take during the day, when I go to bed in the evening, it's just about the same.  If only we could get one more deep freeze here in the Ohio Valley to kill all of the crap in the air, we'd all breathe a major sigh of relief.  I'm not going to say that it couldn't happen;  I've witnessed snow and sleet on Derby Day before, so I know anything can happen in late April in the Ohio Valley.

Until the time when the air is clear and we can all breathe again without sneezing a bizillion times a day, I wish you all a very happy and uncongested spring.

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