Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rain and Nasal Congestion, Go Away

Everybody in the state is probably singing "rain, rain go away" today, after more storms moved through last night and this morning, and will continue to move through this area for the next week.  There's no damage here at The Compound, thank goodness, and the basement is hold up pretty well because we didn't see any leaks down there earlier this morning.  But in addition to people dealing with storms and rain, just about everybody you talk to has been dealing with allergy or sinus issues, thanks to our location here in the Ohio Valley and all of the crap in the air. This spring, I don't think I've talked with a person yet who wasn't dealing with allergy problems. In fact, Mom never had any allergy issues in her life until this spring.

I've tried OTC and prescription meds for the allergy issues, and they don't seem to help very much.  Last night before I went to bed, my head became more stopped up so I had to deal with that along with severe storms all night long.  So this morning after breakfast I'm trying a new remedy - I'm snorting salt water in hopes to flush out my nasal passages and clear it up.  Wish me luck.  And with more rain and storms in the forecast for this afternoon, I think I'm going to take a nap.  I could use some rest.

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