Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Flood Update, Day 3

Truthfully, this should be "Flood Update, Day 7", since today is the 7th consecutive day of downpours and severe storms that we've had.  But since I've only taken pictures for three days, we'll make this Day 3.

As you can see by the picture, the waters are up since yesterday's picture. While it might not show it from this view, the area to my immediate left was totally under water.  The main parking lot was still dry, but I'd venture to say that if I were to go down to the river now, it would most likely be under water.

Thank the Lord and MSD that we don't even have a small trickle down in our basement.  That's a miracle and a testament to the workmanship that went into the building of our house, given the fact that this house is over 40 years old. 

Unfortunately there's more heavy rain and severe weather in the forecast for tonight, but if we can make it till tomorrow, I think we'll have some clear weather for a while.

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