Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm A Big Girl Now

It was a very long day at work, and on my end of the building, it seemed as if the heat was still on.  I roasted all day long.  Not even my fan and the open windows helped.  It was only 78 today, but as soon as I got into the car to go home, I turned on the a/c full blast to cool off. 

As soon as I walked into the house (after making 3 stops for stuff that the 'Rents asked me to pick up on my way home) I dropped the grocery bags on the dining room table, and walked straight into the hallway and flipped the switch back to the a/c to cool off. 

I shook my head this weekend at Dad.  Last Saturday, he was so hot and uncomfortable that he flipped the switch to the a/c without me saying one word.  As the week went on, it got cooler and cooler, until by Thursday, he and Mom were walking around the house in sweatshirts.  Saturday evening was his breaking point when he was ready to take his shower.  He flipped the furnace back on, and I will be the first to admit on Sunday morning when I woke up, I was nice and comfy.  But it warmed up yesterday and again today, and after running multiple errands after work I was in the mood for comfort so I flipped the switch myself back to the a/c.  It's been over an hour now, and I haven't heard any complaints. 

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