Thursday, July 20, 2006

VFW Hell

As Secretary of the Ladies Auxiliary, I was required to attend the quarterly audit last week.  For almost three hours, I sat at the table with the Auxiliary President, Treasurer, and two of the three-year Trustees while they poured over bank statements, cancelled checks and the general fund and gaming fund accounting ledgers.  It was hell, pure and simple.  I was there because I am the current Secretary and had to bring the minutes book.  I don't even need to tell you that they never got around to looking at the minutes book because they spent most of the time trying to find the bank statements for the month of May.   I spent the majority of the time making notes on things to put in my Executive Planner book and jotting down ideas for TWIT.   They also spent over an hour looking for a twenty-cent discrepancy on a transaction.  I was ready to get in my purse and give them two dimes and just call it even.

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