Thursday, September 9, 2004

We All Scream For Ice Cream

Last night, I played out every kid's (and a lot of adult's) fantasy - I had ice cream for supper.  It rocked.  And I have Aunt Dorothy to thank.

My parents and I drove out to visit Aunt Dorothy after I got home from work, with the intentions of taking her to Captain D's for supper, as Dorothy had suggested when she called Mom yesterday.  Background - Dorothy isn't a blood-relative; she's my Dad's brother-in-law's sister. But she's closer to us than most of our blood kin folk.  TMI, I realize.  Dorothy lives by one of the busiest, most congested intersections in the city and it would have taken probably 30 minutes to cross traffic to get to Captain D's.  So my Dad asked her if there was any other place she'd like to go to eat that had easier access.  She said she would love to have a banana split, and there was a Baskin Robbins a block from her condo.  We were there.  I thought my health-conscious (and diabetic) Mom would balk at the idea, but she was all for it.  She was able to get her banana split with sugar-free ice cream and toppings.  So we were all happy.  It was a good night. 

Incidentally, this year marks the 100th anniversary of the banana split (August 26, to be exact).  There is some controversy surrounding who can claim to have invented it; Wilmington, OH says they made it first, and Latrobe, PA says a pharmacy near Univeristy of Pittsburgh says they were the first.  It makes no difference to me.  I'm just glad that a century ago, a soda jerk experimented and came up with the banana split.  

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