Sunday, September 12, 2004

Link of the Week

This past Thursday, I got the same forwarded email 8 times.  After the 6th one, I took 30 seconds out of my busy schedule and did a simple search using the MSN search engine.  Just as I suspected, the email was a hoax (this one was about signing a petition started by Dr. James Dobson to keep the FCC from taking Christian programs off of tv and radio).  I looked at Dr. Dobson's website, and he had a letter posted about the hoax, and he also had a link to an urban legend/hoax site called  I checked it out, and that night, I must have spent over an hour reading about alot of hoaxes that I've received countless emails about over the years.  What sets this site apart from other hoax info sites is this one tells you what part of the alleged hoax or urban legend is actually true.  I urge everyone to put in their favorites places.  When you look at the site, go to the site's search engine and type in the word "hogzilla" and read the urban legend story.  It even has a cool picture, too. 


Anonymous said...

Another good site

Anonymous said...

Gawwrr, do these hoaxes drive ME INSANE. (It's a short trip, but still)

People are so freakin' gullible. I wish they'd do the due dilligence of checking it out before fwd'ing it in a mindless, lemming-like way.