Sunday, May 31, 2015

Something You Don't See Every Day

I just got back from at trip to our 'hood Wal-Mart.  Keep in mind the temp right now is a very comfortable 62 degrees.  I swear to you that I saw more winter coats tonight at the Wal-Mart than I did when I would stop in there on a day when it was 20 degrees outside.  It just made no sense.  It was definitely something you don't see every day.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Time For My Weekly Therapy Session

A lot of people pay for weekly sessions with a therapist, but I've recently discovered a weekly therapy session that costs me nothing but a little gasoline and an hour of my time: mowing the grass in the back field at The Compound.  

It had been ages since I got on our trusty little tractor to mow the back field, mainly because Dad always did it.  But about a month ago, when he and Mom were out planting the garden, I wanted to keep an eye on him, just in case, so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and decided to mow the back field.  I loved it.  I put on my ear buds and listened to music and before I knew it, I had already mowed almost an acre of grass. It was even more therapeutic than when I was riding my old Schwinn bike.  The only thinking I had to do was to keep the tractor straight.  

In the weeks since that first time, I've looked forward to my regularly scheduled therapeutic mowing session.  In fact, I'm getting ready to head to my therapy session right now. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Who Says There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch?

I'm not a moocher - my friends, family and coworkers will tell you that.  But if it is offered, I'm all about a free lunch.  

This week, I had not one, not two, but three free lunches!!  The first and best of them all was courtesy of my dear friend, faithful reader and coworker SH who treated me to a burger and shake at Steak N Shake on Wednesday.   Yesterday and today, the free lunches were courtesy of my company, specifically the marketing and sales department, who had two all-day meetings including catered lunches.  Our lunchroom was lucky to get their leftovers.  Yesterday, I had an awesome roast beef sandwich and some great sea salt potato chips, and today I had some pulled chicken and awesome White Lightning sauce.  

I'm pretty sure my luck won't hold out next week and I will be back to bringing my lunch everyday, but it was sweet while it lasted. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Happy National Hamburger Day

TWIT would like to wish everyone a very happy National Hamburger Day.  

To celebrate, I would like to give a shout out to my faithful reader/co-worker/childhood friend SH.  She bought me an awesome burger and a Nutella shake from Steak N Shake yesterday.  We started the National Hamburger Day celebration a day early but who cares.  

There's still time today in case you haven't had a chance to get a hamburger.  So please throw caution to the wind - forget any pilates, yoga, or gym workout and go get a hamburger tonight. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Even though TWIT welcomed me back yesterday, I still feel like I'm out of touch.  I feel much better today, but I'm still coughing a bit and still feel tired.  Although I didn't feel as tired today as I did yesterday, so that's a plus.  All in all, I still feel kinda blech.  I'm sure I'll be over the blech feeling soon.  After all, it could be a whole lot worse.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Welcome Back, Puddin

I am very, very happy to report that I am back among the living today.  I made it up this morning and went to work, and almost made it through the day.  I was wiped out after lunch and went home at 2:00, but at least I made it through most of the work day. 

For those of you still following through this illness of mine, you might not know how big this was.  If you know anything about me, then you know that I only go to the doctor if I am knocking on death's door.  And yes, that's how sick I was when I went to the doctor Saturday morning. 

I'm feeling stronger, and am not coughing or sneezing nearly as much, so the meds are working.  I just need more time to rest.

As always, I'll keep you posted.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day

TWIT would like to wish everyone a happy Memorial Day.  While you are enjoying the holiday off from work, please take a moment to honor and remember those who gave their lives to protect our freedoms.

In case you don't know the full story of Memorial Day, here's a few pieces of info:

• In 1868, three years after the end of the Civil War, Decoration Day was established for the country to decorate the graves of the soldiers who died in war.  Some old school folks still refer to Memorial Day as "Decoration Day." The original May 30 date was chosen, it is believed, because flowers would be in bloom across the entire nation.

• After World War I, the day was expanded to honor those who had died in all American wars. In 1971, Memorial Day was declared a national holiday by an act of Congress and placed on the last Monday in May.

• At 3 p.m., all Americans are encouraged to pause wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time for the National Moment of Remembrance: a minute of silence to honor and remember those who died in service to the nation.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Holiday Fun Continues

I still feel about the same as I did yesterday - very tired and tired of hacking and blowing my nose.  I'm just glad I have tomorrow off so I can hopefully get back to feeling like a live person again.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Question Of The Day

Question:  Who gets sick on a long holiday weekend?
Answer:     That would be me. 

The sinus infection, upper respiratory infection and remnants of a yeast infection are making for one fun long holiday weekend.  

Believe me when I tell you this is now how I wanted to spend my long Memorial Day weekend.  But it is what it is. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Happy Long Holiday Weekend

As I type this, I'm fighting what I hope are nasty allergy problems and not an upper respiratory infection. And on top of this, I am dealing with a female-parts infection. So I think it's going to be one great long holiday weekend here at The Compound. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Another Drama-Free Day

I made it through another day at work without receiving any emails that pissed me off.  In fact, this was one of the most quiet, drama-free days I've had in months.  I'm not expecting it to continue tomorrow, but it sure would be nice if it did.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Better Day

I am very happy to report that I did not receive any emails - at work or at home - that pissed me off today.  That's a hell of a lot better than yesterday.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Say What?

This was not a good day for electronic communications.  I got not one, but two emails today at work that really pissed me off.  Now I'm gun shy and I don't think I want to open any more emails at work.

Monday, May 18, 2015

A First Time For Everything

In case you didn't know, I consider myself the Amazon Queen.  Ordinarily, not a week goes by that I don't order something from Amazon - either for me, Mom, Dad or a friend who wants to cabbage on my Prime 2-day free shipping.  But I digress. I don't even want to know how many times I've bought something from Amazon in my lifetime.  In the few years that I've had the Prime membership, everything I've ordered has been delivered in the two-day shipment window.  Until today.

Last Thursday, I ordered a Michael Kors watch that I had been jonesing for for a few months.  And of course, wanting it badly, I opted for the $3.99 Next Day Delivery.  But that didn't happen.  I got the watch today.  And I spent 15 minutes on a chat with Amazon customer service today asking for my $3.99 back.  They said they would credit it to me.  We'll see if that actually happens.  In the meanwhile, I am gun-shy over their Prime two-day shipments.  As always, I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

People Will Never Learn

I needed some cash, so I drove up to the use the ATM just up the road from The Compound.  There was one car in line ahead of me, and when they got their money and drove off, once again, I saw where the lady did not end the transaction.  There on the screen was "Do you want another transaction" and then the "yes" or "no" spots to press.  Just for the heck of it, I pressed "yes" and the next screen that popped up asked if I wanted the money from checking, savings, etc.  I quickly hit cancelled to prove my point that people never will learn. 

I wasn't afraid of getting arrested or of getting my picture taken by the camera in the ATM; the camera is triggered at the beginning when the pin number is entered.  And after I pulled out and drove up the road, I looked for the car that was in front of me.  If I had seen her, I would have showed her my credentials to prove I was a security consultant and not a crazy person, and then I would have explained to her that she needs to close out the transaction before she drives off.  

So let this be a lesson - whenever you are at the ATM, no matter how much of a hurry you are in, take a few seconds to close out the transaction.  You'll be glad you did. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Something To Think About

When someone is telling you something, and they preface by saying "I'm not going to lie to you", does that mean that before they said that, they were in deed going to lie to you? 

Just something to think about.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Please Still Stay Tuned

I feel better than I did yesterday, but I am still dealing with some digestive system issues.  It's 8:00 on a Thursday night, and I have to be at work at 5:45 tomorrow, so I think I'm going to take a nice hot bath, take a shot of Pepto Bismal, and then go to bed.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Stay Tuned

The digestive system issues are still around, unfortunately.  The stomach pains and trips to the bathroom have eased up this evening, thank goodness, so I hope this the crud is on the way out, literally and figuratively.  I just feel so tired tonight.  Stay tuned.  I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Technical Difficulties, Please Stand By

I've had a bug for the past two days that has been wreaking havoc on my digestive system, so I apologize for not posting more today.  It was a beautiful, cool day and I wish I would have been able to enjoy the awesome weather.  Maybe tomorrow.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday, Monday

It's been a crazy Monday, and I wasn't even at work.  In fact, it was a crazy Sunday and things just snowballed.  That's about all I can say about that.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

For the past ten weeks, Dad has been getting most of the attention on TWIT and on Facebook, but today, on Mother's Day, my sweet Mother is getting the attention she deserves.  She's surrounded by lots of out-of-state relatives and neighbors, and we are making sure she knows how much she means to us.  Happy Mother's Day, Mom. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Farmtown Update

I'm very happy to report that Farmtown 2015 is in full swing.  As mentioned previously, tomatoes were planted on Monday, peppers were planted Tuesday, beans were planted yesterday, and squash, zucchini, cabbage, lettuce, and cucumbers were planted today.  Now all we need is for the good Lord to take over and give us some rain now and then. 


Friday, May 8, 2015


I apologize for missing a daily post a couple of times here lately.  Things have been crazy at work, at home, and at parts in between and I'm a little distracted.  

In addition to keeping an eye on Dad to make sure he takes his meds on time and making sure he doesn't over-do it outside, we've got a quasi-family reunion going on.  My cousin from California arrived Tuesday night and will be here for a week and a half.  Today, her son, his wife and their two little kids will be arriving this afternoon from their home near Purdue University and will be here until Sunday afternoon.  Tomorrow, my other cousin and his wife from Alabama will be arriving and will be here until Wednesday.  Fortunately, only my California Cousin will be staying here at The Compound; the rest will be staying in a hotel. 

I'll keep you posted, because I'm sure there will be drama.  In fact, we've already had a little drama even  before anyone arrived. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hogzilla Update

Last Monday evening, yours truly, aka Annie Oakly Junior, was on a stakeout looking for Hogzilla.  Sure enough, he came out and I was able to get a clear shot with Dad's shotgun, Old Thunder.  At first, we thought I missed him.  But as each day went by without seeing him come out, we got more and more confident that I did shoot him.  Well, that confidence was blown night before last when I saw him out in the back as I pulled into the carport after running an errand.  Damnit.  The hunt is still on.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Team Bud Update

Team Bud Update: 

I'm being honest - yesterday was a day I was both looking forward to and dreading at the same time: the day that Dad wanted to get the garden out. I'm going to admit I was a nervous wreck all day long at work - worrying about him overdoing it and getting out of breath or having some chest and muscle pains. Turns out the only stress today was the stress I had at work. I'm very happy to report that he and Mom set out 13 tomato plants, in addition so planting squash, zucchini, and peppers. He said he felt fine and was going to use the small rotor-tiller and get the other half of the garden tilled up to plant beans, but a belt broke on the tiller. He said that was his sign to stop and go in and rest. 

Never fear - as soon as I got home from the Bats game last night, I got online and ordered the belt and another part from the fine folks at Troy-Bilt. He wanted super-fast shipment, so they will be delivered on Wednesday, so you can pretty much bet that Wednesday afternoon, he will be out there tilling up the bean patch. 

Thanks again so much for all of your words of encouragement to/for Dad. It means the world to us.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday, Monday

Mondays have suddenly become crappy days, and today was no exception.  The day started out crappy with the old Blazer having a turn signal issue.  Of course, it wasn't something as simple as replacing the bulbs in the rear taillights; it involves replacing a module and a switch, all to the tune of $500.  But all in all, still approximately what some of my friends are spending each month for a car payment.  And I checked my records, and this is the first time that these parts have been replaced on my Blazer (which is a 1996 model).  So I really can't complain too much on that.  Then the day got even more crappy, with me having to move up a deadline on a mega spreadsheet project for my boss.  Add to that the fact I was worried sick all day about Dad -- he and Mom were going to plant the garden today and I was a nervous wreck, worrying about him overdoing it and having problems.  Well, that was useless worrying.  He did fine, other than admitting that he did get tired.  But hey - he's 82 years old and just had quadruple bypass two months ago. 

But the day took a turn for the better and ended great.  I went to my first Bats game of the season.  And Monday games are Baseball Bingo.  The first person to get a bingo wins a $50 gift card to Meijers.  And guess who won???? Puddin!!  I plan to use the gift card to buy a new pair of New Balance tennis shoes this week. 

So Monday wasn't so bad after all.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Happy Day After Derby

It's the Day After Derby.  I don't have much else interesting to post.  We had a great Derby Day, and also had a great Day After Derby, and we're all resting here at The Compound in preparation for setting out a bizillion tomato plants tomorrow.  I have to work, so I won't be able to oversee what's going on at The Compound.  I just pray that Dad will know when to stop if he's feeling too tired after planting the said tomato plants. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Happy Derby

TWIT would like to wish everyone a very happy Derby Day.  A lot of people in Louisville hate this day, but it is what it is.  
Yesterday, Dad made a very pretty lemon cake, pictured here, to celebrate the Derby. I wanted to put a little plastic horse on the top of the cake but my idea was shot down. 

I hope everyone is a winner today.  

Friday, May 1, 2015

Happy Derby Eve

It was a very busy, but awesome day.  First of all, I was off from work, so I got to sleep in this morning.  Then after a great breakfast with the 'Rents, we puttered around and then went out for a marathon session of errands.  Dad did great, thank the Lord.  For the record, we went to Kroger's, got gas, went to the bank, then to the shoe repair shop, then to Lowes, then to Aldi's, and then to WalMart.  I'd say we did our part to help stimulate the economy.  Later on in the afternoon, I went to a cancer fundraiser and had a blast.  Now it's time to settle down and have a cocktail or three at home and enjoy not having to go to work tomorrow.

Tomorrow, we will put the finishing touches on getting the back bedroom cleaned up for my cousin's visit,  and then we will enjoy watching the Kentucky Derby.