Sunday, July 24, 2011

Link Of The Week

I know a lot of people have some type of personal music player - be it an iPod, an MP3 player, or a portable CD player or trusty old radio.  And people can listen to their favorite CD's on their computer. So music is never far away. 

This week, I came across another way to get your favorite music while on the computer - and best of all, it's free.  Visit .  You can listen to whatever they play, or do a search for an artist, song, album or genre and pick what you want to hear.  Like I said, it's free, but if you really like it you can purchase a monthly subscription for more bells and whistles and for ad-free listening.  But for music to listen to while you're Facebook or Farmtowning or blogging, the free version suits me just fine.

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