Friday, July 22, 2011

Flashback Friday

You can buy the most expensive, prettiest, most decorative drinking glasses today, but to me, the old school Bolero insulated tumblers will always be the best. 

I'm not ashamed to say that I've used a green Bolero tumber, like in the above picture, as my travel coffee mug, for the past 25 or so years. Needless to say we've got probably a dozen travel mugs, but I just love my green Bolero glass for my morning-commute-to-work-coffee. It keeps it very hot on my 15 minute trek to work, and even though it doesn't have a lid like the expensive travel mugs and glasses, I can honestly say that I've only spilled the glass twice in the 25+ years I've used the same glass on my way to work. Sure, I've tried other travel glasses and mugs, but none of them were as awesome as this old school Bolero glass.

We've got a set of glasses just like in this picture, and we use them for our iced tea and other drinks at The Compound.  But you can always know that my favorite green Bolero glass is always in the console of The Blazer, ready to be filled in the morning for the trip to work.

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