Saturday, August 18, 2007

What A Great Way To Spend The Evening



This past Thursday started out fairly uneventful, if you consider that the temperature was a nauseating 105 degrees.  I got home from work, and laid down on the couch to crash for an hour before the 'rents and I headed downtown to church.  I was just about ready to doze off when it started thundering and lightning.  I got up and came to the back bedroom to shut down the computer when the Mother Of All Storms hit.  I sat here looking out the one window that wasn't covered by the heat-reducing paper, and hand to heaven, it looked like it does when I'm inside my car at the drive-thru car wash.  After a few minutes we all three heard a thud.  After safely determining the thud wasn't a tree on the house, we looked out and saw that the garage and gazebo were safe.  Then we saw the big maple tree down on the fence.  Great.  As soon as the rain eased up, we put on our raincoats and ran out to assess the damage.  Anyone else with animals in a fenced-in area would have been panicking, thinking that the animals would get out where the fence was down.  Not us.  We knew the donkeys were probably cowering in the corner of the barn. 

After saying a quick prayer of thanks that the house and garage were OK, we started in on cutting, sawing, chopping, and dragging the tree and all of its parts off of the fence.  Let me rewind a moment and say that it was not our tree that had fallen; it was the neighbors'.  Mom made a quick phone call next door to inform Nadine and Richard that their tree had fallen on our fence.  Within moments, reinforcements arrived in the form of the neighbors' son, daughter-in-law and two big strapping grandsons.  Thank you, Lord.  Everybody pitched in and before dark, we had the tree rest of the way down and in a huge pile in the neighbor's field.  Well, it's only fair, since it was their tree.

And that's how we spent our Thursday night.


Anonymous said...

As much as we needed rain, the Thursday storm was indeed one of magnanimous proportion.  Usually with our storms we see sheets of rain.  This storm produced blankets of rain sweeping through reminding me of what hurricane victims must endure.  Thankfully trees did not snap and we scored two inches of drought alleviating rain here in Southern Indiana.  Grandmother's prayers are with us.

Anonymous said...

Yes, my friend MP, Grandmother's prayers have surely been with us.  This was the second major tree that has fallen here at The Compound, and the Lord has seen fit to spare our home and the garage.  Yep, Grandmother's prayers are with us.