Friday, September 13, 2013

Why Is It . . . ?

On most mornings, I pull into my usual parking spot at work, and sit in the car for a few minutes as I finish drinking my coffee.  Almost always, there are no cars parked within 3 or 4 spots on either side of me, so there are plenty of spaces for my coworkers to park. Why is it they always have to park right next to me?

At home before I leave for work,  I put my purse, lunch bag and work briefcase bag on the passener seat or on the back passenger seat, out of habit.  Why is it when I park and get ready to get out of the car to go to the passenger side of my car to get my stuff, that is the exact moment in time that someone pulls into our parking lot and wants to park right beside me?  When this happens, I walk quickly around to the driver side of my car or go back by the tailgate safely out of their way so they don't run over me.  But it never fails.  Almost every friggin morning when I pull into the parking lot and get out and go to the other side of my car to open the door and get my stuff, someone always pulls into the space next to me. 

I could understand it if I zoom into the parking lot like a lot of coworkers at one minute before 8:00, but I usually get there no later than 7:45, and a lot of times even earlier.  It's as if they know just when I am going to pull into the parking lot and then they all rush in and park next to me. It just irritates me.

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