Sunday, September 15, 2013

Link and App Of The Week

Most of us try to be more careful of what we eat and drink these days.  (Key word: try)  We try to eat more fruits and vegetables every day, and try to stay away from fried foods, and we try to drink more water.  And we also make an attempt at reading the labels on foods.  That's when things go crazy.  We can't pronounce half of the ingredients, which is a sure sign we shouldn't be eating that food in the first place.  But I digress.  I found a site that has an app that help you figure it all out. It's called Fooducate.  Here's what they do:  "Fooducate's scientific algorithms grade each product and provide simple, concise explanations.

Grading system developed by scientists, dietitians and concerned parents."  You can find it at  You can look up the foods and beverages at the website, there are links for the iOS and Android apps. 

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