Friday, April 2, 2010

Flashback Friday

This Sunday is Easter, and I can't help but remember back to Easter Sunday when I was a kid. Actually, the preparations for Easter started weeks earlier, when Mom and Grandma would take me shopping for a new Easter outfit. I wasn't the only one that got new clothes to wear to church on Easter - Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa would always get something new, too, even if it was new socks, stockings or underwear. I loved getting an Easter basket but hated the shopping part. But with as much fussing as there was, I'm betting that Mom hated the shopping part even more than I did. But I digress. So a couple of weeks before Easter, Mom and Grandma would take me out and get me a new dress and a new pair of Sunday shoes.

Flash forward to today. I did a quick informal poll among friends and coworkers, and surprisingly they all agreed with me: we don't really care if we have something new to wear to church on Easter Sunday; we're more concerned with our current clothes fitting properly or being clean. One friend that participated in my poll told a family story. It seems that when she was a kid, her family - faithful Methodist church goers - didn't go to church on Easter Sunday because her mother felt like it was just a springtime fashion show, with people attending who never set foot in the church the other 51 Sundays of the year. She said they celebrated Easter and the Resurrection, but just not at church. They would have an informal Easter Sunday worship service at their home. You'll be surprised but for once, I really don't have an opinion on that either way. I just thought it was an interesting story about new Easter clothes.


Toots said...

You may not have an opinion on that Puddin, but I do, LOL. There's a select few regular church goers that get some kind of pompous power trip from looking down on the Christmas/Easter church goers. I've been on both sides of that fence. During the many years I went to church regularly, I'd hear them pointing people out and making snide comments. And as someone who no longer attends regularly I've felt it too. Stares when I've accompanied my father at Easter. Pompous little comments from the old crows.

Maybe one day I'll find a church family that I can relate to and respect, but for now this is one of the many reasons I do not currently attend church. I do worship, I do pray...every day, but I do it all from home.

Puddin said...

How awesome that you used the term "old crows", Toots. You reminded me of something I meant to say in my original post. Grandma and Grandpa would always say the old wive's tale of how if you didn't wear something new on Easter, an old crow would fly by and poop on you. Even as an adult, I don't mess with that one, and have made it a point to wear a new pair of contacts on Easter. LOL

Toots said...

I guess old crows can crap on you in more than one way.