Monday, April 19, 2010

I Don't Care About BOGO

I recently shopped at a local women's clothing store, trying to find a new cool spring ensamble. I wanted something different this spring - something with some color. I looked and looked and finally came across a very cool purple denim textured jacket. I fell in love with it and knew I had to have it. Never mind I had a $10 off coupon; I liked the jacket enough that I would have paid full price for it. But I digress. I took my jacket to the counter to check out and the clerk informed me that the jacket was BOGO and told me to go back and pick out something to get BOGO free. Let me tell you this pressure put me into a tailspin.

I looked and looked and after 30 minutes I could not find anything else in that store of equal-or-less-value that I wanted to get for free. I went back to the clerk and said that I couldn't find anything, and I just wanted my jacket. But she was just not having any part of it. She insisted that I go find something in the store to get for free. Frustrated, I went back and started another search through the store. After about 15 minutes I found a cool tye-dyed top that would go with my purple demin jacket and proudly brought it up to the counter for the clerk to see. She was almost as thrilled as I was. She checked me out and wished me a very good evening. I wanted so bad to tell her that she almost gave me an anxiety attack.

1 comment:

Toots said...

As Minnie would say, "I want all that's coming to me."