Sunday, April 18, 2010

Special Bulletin

We interrupt today's regularly scheduled Link Of The Week to bring you a special news bulletin: as much as I despise reality shows, it almost pains me to report that the 'Rents have been watching an "Ax Man" marathon since 12:00 noon this morning. And they're actually interrested in it.

I know I shouldn't bag on what people watch on TV; it's none of my business and it does not affect me, and I'm not bagging on my own parents. But it's just, well, different. I don't like any reality shows other than "Dancing With The Stars" (which the 'Rents also love), while the 'Rents enjoy quite a few. They like the shows about the swamp loggers, the ice road truckers, and a fwe others. Like I said - I'm not bagging on them; I'm just not used to seeing them watch a marathon of shows like for hours on end. But if it makes them happy, then I'm happy, too.

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