Friday, May 15, 2009

Tour de Cure Eve

In just fifteen hours, I will embark on the 2009 American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure. This year, it's 20 miles - up 5 from last year's 15 miles. And based on the information I've gotten from co-workers who live close to this year's route, there will be lots of hills. But as of now, I'm more concerned about the forecasted rain tomorrow than I am hills. At least this year I'll be riding a bike with 3 gears, as opposed to last year when I rode the antique single speed Schwinn. But looking back, I did complete last year's Tour de Cure on my old bike just the same as those riding the 10 or 21 speed racing bikes. I'll be waiting for all of you to channel me your energy tomorrow morning as I pedal my 20 miles. I'll do it, rain or shine - I promise you that. Stay tuned. I'll keep you posted.

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