Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

The day got away from me, with lots of things going on at The Compound - good and bad. The good was some friends coming over for lunch and bringing two honking huge slabs of ribs to grill out and a big pot of collard greens; the bad, well, we just won't discuss that right now. But I wanted to take a moment on today, Memorial Day, to thank all of the men and women in the armed forces who have served our country, who are currently serving, or will serve our country in the future. At tonight's Bats game, before a choir sang our National Anthem, a trumpeter from Ft. Knox was there and played Taps before we had a moment of silence for all of our veterans and troops. I can't speak for the rest of the sections in Slugger Field, but there weren't many dry eyes in our section 124.

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