Sunday, May 24, 2009

Link Of The Week

As you know, I'm probably the #1 Bats fan and go to as many games that I can. I grew up in a famly that loved baseball and we watched all of the Reds and Yankees games that were on TV. Grandma was the lone Yankees fan in the family, and especially loved watching the playoffs and the World Series. She and Grandpa also loved to watch another sport on TV - roller derby. Just like baseball, they passed the love of roller derby on to me. Every Saturday night, Grandma, Grandpa and I would have our popcorn and Orange Crush while we watched roller derby. I was fascinated at how well they players could skate, and the highlight of each match was when two (and sometimes three or four) players would do The Whip.

I'm very happy to report that roller derby is making a comeback. In fact, we have a roller derby team here in the 'ville - the Derby City Roller Girls (DCRG). I've attended every home match this season and I've got to say it's awesome. Just last night I attended a match. Yes, it's hard to believe that I gave up my ticket to last night's Bats game just so I could go watch the DCRGs in action. We lost but it was still awesome. I even got to meet the DCRG's coach, Eeka, after the match last night. I've been chatting with her on Facebook and it was great to finally meet her in person. But I digress. Please check out the DCRG's website, and learn all about the DCRG.

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