Friday, May 22, 2009

Flashback Friday

If there are any PATs reading TWIT today, I'm sure they are probably clueless as to what the picture to the left is. For those of us old school people, we know darned good and well that it's a picture of an old school aluminum ice tray.
Way back before ice makers and even plastic ice trays there were aluminum ice trays. Our freezer was full of them when I was a kid. I'm not ashamed to say I hated them. The ice never popped out when you pulled back the lever, and after running water over the tray my hand would inevitably get stuck to the tray.
A few years ago I saw some of the aluminum ice trays in a catalog and had to order a few, just to give us a flashback. Let me tell you that they weren't nearly as sturdy and well made like the old school ones. The first time I pulled up on the lever on one tray to release the cubes, the lever broke off.
Just this week I got a very cool two-foot square refrigerator and we set it in the corner of the back porch to hold our bottled water and adult beverages. It even has a small freezer area that would hold two ice trays. Even though I had a bad experience a few years ago, I dug out two of the aluminum ice trays and filled them up and stuck them in there. I'll keep you posted on how they hold up.

1 comment:

Toots said...

If you can manage to get them to work properly, they make nice cubes!