Saturday, July 12, 2008

Biggest Loser Update

I did something today that was probably one of the dumbest things I've done in a while - I did my daily bike ride at noon when the temperature was 90 degrees and the heat index was 103.  I thought that it would be okay, since it was technically still morning and not the 'heat of the day'.  I didn't faint or get sick; the only thing that happened was that I was very tired during my return trip home on my shortened eight-mile ride.  I stopped 2 times on the return trip to just sit down and rest, but I have to say I didn't feel like I was going to pass out or anything. 

On my return trip back home, each time I wanted to stop and call the 'Rents to come and pick me up, I kept on peddaling and said out loud "I'm burning off fat" and just kept on moving toward home.  As I said, I stopped a few times and sat down on the grass in the shade and rested and drank some water as a precaution.  I never felt like I was going to get sick, but I did feel incredibly tired. But by the time I made it home, I had caught my second wind and felt like I could have gone another mile. I didn't push it, and instead came on in the house and laid down on the Pergo floor in the family room in front of the vents and rested.

As of today, I'm at 41 pounds lost.  And this morning after breakfast, the 'Rents said they would buy me a brand new bike when I reach the 50 pound mark.  I'm going to kick my eating and exercise regimen up a few notches this week and hope to get my cool new bike soon.  Thanks again for your emails and support, and I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

You are so inspiring!  I am glad you were okay, that was worrisome!  God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Never in a million years would I have believed you would be riding your bike faithfully every day, even in the hellish Ohio Valley summer.  Words can't describe how proud I am!!!