Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Crisis At The Compound

I had just gotten out of the bathtub last night and was soaking wet when I heard the words that would soon change our lives forever - "Can you come see what's wrong with the TV."  I dried off as fast as I could and threw on some clothes and shuffled to the family room to assess the damage.  It wasn't pretty, let me tell you.  The screen was black except for about a quarter inch wide strip going across the middle of the screen.  I'm guessing that was the extent of the picture.  I went back to the living room to check the TV in here, in case it was some weird cable problem going on, but of course the TV picture was fine.  The inevitable had finally happend:  the old Magnavox console TV set had finally crapped out. 

We'd been talking for a few months about buying a new flat screen LCD TV, so instead of the new TV purchase being later, it looks like it's now going to be sooner.  But hi-def TV shopping would have to wait till later, because there was another pressing matter that had to be taken care of first:  I had to disconnect the TV in the living room and lug it to the family room and hook it back up so they could watch the All Star game.  Fortunately for me, that took less than five minutes; actually it took me longer to find a flashlight so I could see behind the TV then it did to get it set up in the family room.  Even though the screen was smaller (they were watching a 19 inch set) at least they had something to watch. 

This Saturday morning, we're planning on visiting a few stores to start our shopping process.  We're leaning toward a 42 inch Vizio LCD TV. I'm sure Susan Lucci will be almost life-like on the big screen. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My husband's big screen tv went kaput.  He watched the game on our TV upstairs.  Glad you had an alternate set so you didn't have to miss it.