Sunday, June 10, 2007

Link Of The Week

As you already know, I'm very active in the VFW Ladies Auxiliary.  Something you might not know is that I'm a member of the NRA.  I was reading this month's issue of the NRA magazine the other week, when an article really hit me hard.  No, it wasn't about gun control; in fact, I don't think the article even mentioned the word "gun." The article was about the Wounded Warrior Project.  A young soldier, seriously wounded in Iraq, started the organization after he had completed his lengthy rehabilitation in the hospital.  He realized that our young veterans returning stateside for their rehab in military hospitals were often returning home with nothing more than the clothes on their back.  With the help of his family, they started filling backpacks with things like a portable CD player, a change of clothes, games, books, phone calling cards, etc., to give to these wounded young veterans to help them through their often lengthy rehab in the hospital. 

After reading the article, something just stirred inside of me and I decided I wanted to help the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP).  I went to the website,, and read about the organization and all that they do for our wounded warriors.  After showing the article to our VFW post Commander and the auxiliary President, I received their blessings and pledges of help to have fundraisers for the WWP. 

Please take a few minutes to visit the WWP website and read about the awesome ways that they are helping the young veterans returning home to begin their rehab and to adjust to life with their injuries.  If you have a few extra bucks, you can donate to the WWP through the website.  If you're a friend, family member, or co-worker who see me on a regular basis, you can just sit back and hold onto your money and buy some raffle tickets from me in a few weeks when I hit you up to help this very worthy organization.


Anonymous said...

I'm all in.  Bring a big stack of raffle tickets when you come my way.

Anonymous said...

I knew I could count on you, Big Mama.  I'll bring some Tall Boys with me, too, LOL.