Friday, June 1, 2007

Flashback Friday

I grew up in a house with a grandmother who crocheted.  She could make anything with her crochet needle and some yarn.  One winter, she even got a contract from a local sporting goods store to crochet ski caps for their stores.  She made all kinds of things, but one thing that really sticks out was the year she made hats from aluminum beer and pop cans.  I wish I could have found my awesome white and red Coca Cola can hat, but it's somewhere down in the basement, but from the photo above, I'm sure you remember what I'm talking about. 

I don't remember her getting many orders to make the can hats, but I do remember she made a few of them for Mom to take to work to sell.  Being the Baptist that she was, I don't believe she ever made the hats from beer cans, but I remember seeing quite a few beer can hats when we would go to the Catholic church picnics to collect the aluminum cans for recycling. 

If I could crochet, I'd get a pattern for the hats and make them.  I bet I could sell some on eBay. 

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