Sunday, June 11, 2006

Link Of The Week

We've all received and probably sent emails with funny or bizarre newspaper articles. Most of them have to do with dumb criminals or something similar.  I've read a couple and wondered "Is this for real or has it been Photo Shopped?"  I love a good joke, especially when it's a joke I can play one someone unsuspecting and make them laugh along with me.  This week, I came across a website that I believe I will be using a lot to make my friends and co-workers laugh.  It's called the Newspaper Clipping Generator.  It's a scream.  You can make a jpeg image of what looks like an actual newspaper headline and article.  It's easy to make, too.  Just read the newspaper article above about yours truly.  Just visit and give it a try.  One word of advice - don't try to right-click on the article that you generate and try to save it yourself; it won't work and you'll be banging your head against the computer monitor.  Just do it the easy way and click on the link underneath your article that says "Click here to save your newspaper" and it will save it as a jpeg. 

Happy newspaper article writing.

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