Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, Monday

If I were to flashback to this time yesterday evening, faithful readers, I would not have been able to post.  At just about this time 24 hours ago I twisted my knee in the most bizarre, painful way ever.  I'm not even going to try to make it exciting or dramatic -- I was hopping up on my bed to lay down and watch a couple of Andy Griffith episodes until time for the Super Bowl when I twisted my knee.  I didn't really hear a pop; I felt it.  And I laid on the bed in tears for about 15 minutes before hobbling into the family room where the 'Rents were.

After seeing I was in distress, Dad grabbed one of his very cool hand carved canes for me to use, and that helped me move about the rest of the evening.  But I'm not ashamed to admit that I don't remember much of the entire Super Bowl because I was in pain and worrying if I'd torn something. There was no swelling and no bruising, which was to my advantage, so I quasi-ruled out that I'd torn my ACL or meniscus.  I chalked it up to a severe knee twist.

As soon as the Super Bowl was over, I hobbled to my bed, and attempted to sleep.  Key word is attempted.  I probably got maybe a total of two hours of sleep all night, because there was no way imaginable that I could position myself where my knee/leg didn't hurt.  During the hours I was awake I did something constructive:  I prayed.  First, selfishly for me for healing, strength, and for nothing to be torn, and then I started on my intercessory prayer, praying for just about every person I could think of.  I finally managed to get a couple hours of sleep, and just before I got out of bed this morning, I realized that some of the pain was gone, thank the Lord.

I still took my cool cane to work, and used it for most of the day, but towards the afternoon, it was getting easier to walk and soon I was able to make a trip to the lunchroom and the bathroom without the cane.

Now supper is over, and even though I'm not in much pain right now, I'm still taking it very easy.  As soon as this is posted I'm going to grab a bottle of water and the heating pad and head back to my bedroom for an hour or two.  And you can bet I will gently get on the bed, instead of hopping.

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