Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring Cleaning At The Compound

I am very, very happy to report that as of an hour ago, the two tallest and biggest trees at The Compound are cut down, cut up, and hauled off. All that remains are two stumps and a tiny bit of sawdust. We also had them trim off any limb from the neighbor's trees that were hanging over on our property and over our house, garage or carport. And it wasn't a moment too soon. About 15 minutes after the tree people left, we had a pretty decent thunderstorm with quite a bit of wind. But for the first time in years we had no worries about limbs falling on the ground or impailing the house, garage or carport. It sure changed the look of the backyard.

I'm not sentimental over the trees, even though they were planted the spring that we moved here 45 years ago. I'm just happy to see them go because The Compound buildings will not longer have to worry about a tree or giant limb falling on them. That makes me happy.

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