Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm Frustrated

There's a million thing going through my my mind right now and I'm frustrated, faithful readers. Very frustrated. First of all, the the past two weeks I haven't been able to keep a wi-fi connection with my iTouch iPod. And that bothers me to no end. Add to that frustrations with work, home, friends, etc, and you've got one frustrated Puddin tonight.

I had a couple rocky points today with my big Master's Thesis project, but all is well and I'm very thankful that I'm almost finished with it. I've got just a few more pages to go.

The things that are going through my head right now are all over the map. I'm starting to think of very crazy things I've never thought before. And I need to stop.

I just hope and pray that I will get back on track after supper and finish the pages that I need to write tonight.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Did you steal this journal entry from me? Sounds like something I'd write, LMAO.