Monday, February 7, 2011

Favorite Super Bowl Commercials

It pains me to say, faithful readers, that this year's Super Bowl sucked. Even the commercials. In my personal opinion, I've never seen the commercials so lame or horrible in all of my years of watching the Super Bowl. But I can't break tradition, so I will give you my Favorite Super Bowl Commercials. Unfortunately I couldn't come up with a Top Ten so I'll list the ones I liked, in no particular order.

1. Chevrolet -- the "Reply all" email. This was priceless. And I couldn't help but think how many times this has actually happened to someone.

2. Go Daddy with Danica Patrick, Jillian Michaels and Joan Rivers. Once again, it was priceless. I tip my hat to Joan Rivers, one of my all time favorite comedians.

3. Volkswagon Beetle - "Old Black Betty". For what it is worth, "Old Black Betty" is one of my all time favorite rock songs. And I was overjoyed to see they used it in a VW commercial.

4. -- the monkeys in cars in the parking lot. What can I say -- monkeys are always funny in commercials.

Unfortunately, those were just about all of the commercials that I liked. Better luck next year.

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