Thursday, April 9, 2020

Covid19 Update 4-9-20

Our friend was taken to the hospital today, along with 17 other residents at the facility where he was.  I just got a text from his wife, and she said the doctor called and said his vitals were good and that they didn't think he'd need a ventilator.  Prayers answered.

Working from home today was a bit stressful. The Old Man and I have had a bit too much togetherness, and we bumped heads this afternoon.  After a while, he got over it, thank goodness.

To make things worse, I kept losing my wifi signal every five minutes this morning, and I was ready to take the laptop, docking station, monitor and cords and throw them out in the garbage.  After unplugging the router and modem 2 times, I finally got a signal and was able to connect to the network.

I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow.  But all in all, I can't really complain. 

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