Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Covid19 Update 4-8-20

The shit got more real this afternoon.  Until now, I've heard of a friend of a friend of a friend that had the virus.  But this afternoon, I got a phone call from a dear friend of the family saying her husband tested positive for the virus today.  

They both are probably the biggest prayer warriors that I know.  She came to the hospital when my Sweet Mother was there almost every day and sat out in the parking lot to pray for her.  And it took them a long time to walk there, but on the Sunday afternoon that my Sweet Mother was in the hospital, they came to visit her and brought her a prayer blanket.  The next Sunday, he fell and broke his hip.  He was hospitalized and then went to rehab.  A few months later, he fell again and broke his other hip.  He was transferred from the rehab facility to another facility that is on our church property.  It is a high rise of apartments, assisted living units, a rehab floor and a hospital floor. His wife said he's had an infection for a few weeks, but it was just yesterday that they tested him and he tested positive for Covid19. 

His wife and family haven't been able to see him for a few weeks, so I know this is heartbreaking for them.  She said he's not eating or drinking, and sleeps all day.  It was an immediate flashback to what we went through with my Sweet Mother during her last days. 

So yep, the shit got real today.  

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